The Green New Deal, a proposal advocated by many liberal politicians, will deny America the energy needed for prosperity and freedom. Instead, GEO space-based solar power, supplying nearly continuous green electrical power—what I call “astroelectricity”—is the way for America and the world to undertake an orderly transition this century to abundant sustainable energy.
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This summer, I was invited to make two presentations on astroelectricity and how this can substantially better the world. These presentations were made, via video, to two conferences held in Portugal. I have turned these two presentations into narrated YouTube videos and added them to the Spacefaring Institute YouTube channel. These are not the typical boring presentations.
If successfully transitioning to sustainable energy is an important topic for you, you should watch these two videos. If you wish to watch only one, watch the second.
The first presentation, (Em)powering world peace and prosperity using astroelectricity, explains the world’s needs for sustainable energy and describes why GEO space-based solar power—producing astroelectricity—is the best way to transition from fossil carbon fuels to global sustainable energy. In particular, the video explains why terrestrial nuclear fission energy and the renewable energy (e.g., wind and ground solar energy)—the Green New Deal “solutions”—are not wise choices for America or the world to use to undertake this transition.
The second presentation, Enriching humanity using astroelectricity, recaps why GEO space-based solar power is the only practical choice for the world to “go green”” while achieving global prosperity. The use of astroelectricity to achieve many of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals is discussed with emphasis on how global affordable middle class housing can be achieved—a key step to eliminating poverty!
Developing astroelectricity has become a critical American national security priority. This will require that America lead a free-world spacefaring industrial revolution to prevent communist China from dominating the world. I explain this in the previous blog post #118, Communist China’s Space Threat.
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James Michael (Mike) Snead is an aerospace Professional Engineer in the United States, an Associate Fellow of the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA), and a past chair of the AIAA’s Space Logistics Technical Committee. He is the founder and president of the Spacefaring Institute LLC (spacefaringinstitute.net) which is focused on space solar power-generated astroelectricity and the astrologistics infrastructure necessary to enable the spacefaring industrial revolution that will build space solar power energy systems. Mike Snead has been involved in space development since the mid-1980s when he supported the U.S. Air Force Transatmospheric Vehicle (TAV) studies, the National Aerospace Plane program, and the Delta Clipper Experimental (DC-X) project. In 2007, after retiring from civilian employment with the Air Force, he began to study the need for (and politics associated with) undertaking space solar power. Beginning in the late 1980s, he has published numerous papers and articles on various aspects of manned spaceflight, astrologistics, and energy. His technical papers are located at https://www.mikesnead.com and https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Mike-Snead/research. His eBook, Astroelectricity, can be downloaded for free here. He can be contacted through LinkedIn or through email sent to spacefaringinstitute@gmail.com. Mike Snead also publishes a newsletter on LinkedIn called “U.S. Astrologistics”. This is located on the Spacefaring Institute page.