47 – Journal of Space Philosophy, Fall, 2015, published

Kepler Space Institute logoNow in its fourth year of publication, the on-line (free) Journal of Space Philosophy Fall 2015 issue has been released by the Kepler Space Institute. It is lengthy at 177 pages with a very good range of topics. The journal is published as a series of PDF files, so it is convenient to download and read on your tablet or PC. Here is a list of the contents of the fall issue that can be downloaded.

  1. Journal Cover
  2. Dedication
  3. Preface, Bob Krone and Gordon Arthur
  4. Contents
  5. Press Release: Issue #6, Nate Sushereba
  6. Notes from the Chairman, Gordon Holder, KSI Board Chairman
  7. Letters-to-the-Editor, James Michael “Mike” Snead
  8. Sponsors
  9. Preventing Hell on Earth,” Yehezkel Dror
  10. Becoming Spacefaring: America’s Path Forward in Space.” James Michael “Mike” Snead
  11. Passing the Philosophic Torch of Basic Rights and Freedoms for Space Migrants to Evolve and Survive … or become Extinct: A Proposed Modified US Declaration of Independence and Future Constitution Applicable to Long Duration and Permanent Spacekind Inhabitants,” George S. Robinson
  12. Progressive Etudes on Consciousness and Noetic Sciences, Stephanie Lynn Thorburn
  13. Key Determinants in Space Science Experimentation, Terry Tang
  14. Industrial Production of Positronium and Its Uses, William Mook
  15. Editors

Access to the Journal of Space Philosophy and free downloading of its articles is available at bobkrone.com/node/120.