Astroelectricity eBook published

Book cover for Astroelectricity: Why American engineers should advocate for GEO space solar power to end America's CO2 emissions, make America energy secure, and prepare America for the 22nd century

My new eBook addresses two of the most important engineering challenges of the 21st century:

  • How to proactively respond to the environmental threat posed by the abnormally high atmospheric CO2 concentration for which there is no tested hypothesis that this will not cause significant environmental harm, and
  • America’s substantial threat to its security and prosperity due to its continued reliance on non-sustainable fossil fuels.

As the book discusses, GEO space solar power—what I refer to as astroelectricity—is the only practicable solution to these two threats. Fortunately, undertaking an orderly transition to astroelectricity provides America with the opportunity to become sustainable energy secure and prosperous. In the process, America will begin a spacefaring industrial revolution transforming America into a true human spacefaring nation AND will use the new astroelectricity to rebuild America for the 22nd century.

While many speak in generalities of the need for a green energy revolution, my book addresses this quantitatively; defining the scope of the challenge to do this and the limitations of the terrestrial nuclear and renewable energy alternatives. The book was written for American engineers to help them engage in the important pubic discussions that will chart America’s environmental and energy security future.

For more information and where to purchase the eBook, see here.

James Michael (Mike) Snead is an aerospace Professional Engineer in the United States, an Associate Fellow of the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA), and a past chair of the AIAA’s Space Logistics Technical Committee. He is the founder and president of the Spacefaring Institute LLC ( which is focused on space solar power-generated astroelectricity and the astrologistics infrastructure necessary to enable the spacefaring industrial revolution that will build space solar power energy systems. Mike Snead has been involved in space development since the mid-1980s when he supported the U.S. Air Force Transatmospheric Vehicle (TAV) studies, the National Aerospace Plane program, and the Delta Clipper Experimental (DC-X) project. In 2007, after retiring from civilian employment with the Air Force, he began to study the need for (and politics associated with) undertaking space solar power. Beginning in the late 1980s, he has published numerous papers and articles on various aspects of manned spaceflight, astrologistics, and energy. His technical papers are located at and His blog is at: His eBook, Astroelectricity, can be downloaded for free here. He can be contacted through LinkedIn or through email sent to