116 – A legal "warning shot across the bow" regarding our continued fossil carbon fuel use

The Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals, while dismissing a federal climate change lawsuit on constitutional grounds, found merit in the plaintiffs’ assertions. This ruling further signals that the era of fossil carbon fuels is coming to an end in America. The need for astroelectricity is now clear unless you want something like the disastrous Green New Deal. Continue Reading116 – A legal "warning shot across the bow" regarding our continued fossil carbon fuel use

114 – How America’s energy security relates to our prosperity

Five charts explain the past relationship between U.S. fossil fuel energy insecurity and America’s prosperity. This helps in understanding what America now needs to do to secure its future freedom and prosperity. Continue Reading114 – How America’s energy security relates to our prosperity

100 – 2019: Moving America towards becoming a true human spacefaring nation (Part 3) – Updated

A constitutional climate lawsuit against President Trump could trigger America undertaking GEO space solar power. Continue Reading100 – 2019: Moving America towards becoming a true human spacefaring nation (Part 3) – Updated

Astroelectricity eBook published

America will begin a spacefaring industrial revolution transforming America into a true human spacefaring nation AND will use the new astroelectricity to rebuild America for the 22nd century. Continue ReadingAstroelectricity eBook published

99 – 2019: Moving America towards becoming a true human spacefaring nation (Part 2)

As General Arnold first recognized 60 years ago, the United States must become a true human spacefaring nation, both militarily and commercially. Continue Reading99 – 2019: Moving America towards becoming a true human spacefaring nation (Part 2)

78 – JSP article: Making President Trump the Champion of GEO Space Solar Power

My article, Making President Trump the Champion of GEO Space Solar Power, was published in the Volume 6, No. 1 (Fall, 2017) edition of the online Journal of Space Philosophy. Continue Reading78 – JSP article: Making President Trump the Champion of GEO Space Solar Power