100 – 2019: Moving America towards becoming a true human spacefaring nation (Part 3) – Updated

A constitutional climate lawsuit against President Trump could trigger America undertaking GEO space solar power. Continue Reading100 – 2019: Moving America towards becoming a true human spacefaring nation (Part 3) – Updated

68 – Understanding Why Wind and Ground Solar Energy Cannot Replace Fossil Fuels

America faces two critical challenges this century. The first is responding to the uncertainty that the abnormally high and rising atmospheric carbon dioxide (CO2) level will have detrimental environmental consequences Continue Reading68 – Understanding Why Wind and Ground Solar Energy Cannot Replace Fossil Fuels

67 – Understanding Why Nuclear Power Cannot Replace Fossil Fuels

  America faces two critical challenges this century. The first is responding to the uncertainty that the abnormally high and rising atmospheric carbon dioxide (CO2) level will have detrimental environmental Continue Reading67 – Understanding Why Nuclear Power Cannot Replace Fossil Fuels

56 – Space Review series (Part 1): The Paris Climate Agreement and Space Solar Power

On February 29, 2016, the first of my three-part series on world environmental and US energy security was published in The Space Review. (The pdf of the article is available here.) Continue Reading56 – Space Review series (Part 1): The Paris Climate Agreement and Space Solar Power